!1337x! Get Out 720p DVDRip Full Movie Download
Audience score=453630 Vote /
Writed by=Jordan Peele /
Year=2017 /
8,3 / 10 stars /
Catherine Keener
✯❂ ♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣♣
✯❂ https://svtplay-se.com/watch/1557?utm_source=shopinfo.jp
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Get out of my room. Get out ending. Get out of my way. Get out of here. Get out of my car. Get out film. Get out of your head jennie allen. Get out of 5. Get out of dodge. Get out of my room im playing minecraft gacha life. Get out of your head. Get out our blog. This movie was not well done at all. I am not a white supremacist or anything like that but I felt like this was totally racist against whites, yes I said it, black ppl can be racist to, not blind to political reviews and the only reason why this movie got so high ratings is because it focused so much on movies like this that has this country divided in race and feeding into ppls disillusion.
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Someone remembers the movie Skeleton Key (2005, with Kate Hudson. Well, Get Out is basically the same plot, whereas in Skeleton Key the transferring of the soul or whatever is done with black magic in Skeleton Key a neurosurgical procedure gets the job done. So the plot is mostly (besides the well-done clash of black and white folks culture) a copy cat (as Skeleton Key plays in the deep South we got also a little of the element of black/white culture contrasting.
If I would have to choose one of both movies for a cinematic night I would watch Skeleton Key again - the dark atmosphere is far more superior and the suspense also. Also, the end is far more delicate.
Get Out has some strong points - good actors, good production and especially the strange circumstances and the growing paranoia of our hero are well done.
On the other side, the movie has some weak points too - imo the (re)solution is hasty done, also there are some (important) mistakes - how our hero got the stuff into his ears, as he was bound to the chair! And the brother didn't see the stuff in his ears - he was clearly checking if the "sheep" is asleep and knocked out. Also didn't our bad girl see (in darkness! the blitz of the phone - she should know that the possession/control or whatever of the host is broken, so she would never give the gun to her "grandfather. Also the comedy- element is a mixed up experience - some of the subtle comedy elements I liked, tiresome for me was the black buddy stuff cliché: comedy Kitsch zillion times done before - it was (partly) funny with Eddie Murphy in the 80s and maybe you got away with it in the 90s but now. br>
And whereas a good horror-movie mostly has a bad end for the hero (Kate Hudson loses in a certain, surprising kind of way the struggle for her life) the director didn't have the guts to make a "good" end - ofc our hero should be shot by a cop or ride the electrical chair.
Why! Because the mad comrades of our good evil family would ofc "delete" all pieces of evidence of crime there will be just one solution left - our black guy would be sentenced for mass murder, or who would believe his story, as many "decent" white folks would testify against him! Btw - isn't that the point of a racist society. br>
This p.c.-ending is imo too much of fishing for compliments or sucking up to the common mainstream agenda - and a good horror movie should everything but be p.c.
In short - I was entertained and I like many aspects of the movie (especially all the actors) but in my horror collection Get Out won't make it into the top 100, maybe top 250 but even that's not for sure. The script/the story just is not good enough. Get Out: a little "horror" snack (the horror-elements are just a few, it's more a comedy and thriller. Not more but no less. Because all this biased overrating I rated 1, my real rate is 5.
note:imo the political agenda or bias of many of the reviewers and the votings (with black actors as main characters) is ridiculous - masterpieces like Blade Runner got a rating of 8.2 or Apocalypse Now one of 8.5 and Get Out got 8.1. I've become accustomed to subtract 2 to up to 3 points (deciding if I watch or not) if a black actor is involved as the main character(s. not because of racism but because the ratings are f* ed up and I can't trust them (like all those fake reviews and ratings in the beginning of any movie initiated by the studios. Get Out is just another proof of this hysteria.
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